Review: Mama Day

Gloria Naylor’s Mama Day is the story of star-crossed lovers Ophelia “Cocoa” Day and George Andrews. The setting of the novel is split between New York, where Cocoa and George live, and the fictional island of Willow Springs, where Cocoa was born. Willow Springs lies between Georgia and South Carolina, but belongs to neither. It doesn’t even …

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I’ve been searching for my roots. National Geographic’s Genographic Project is a genetic anthropology study that aims to map historical human migration patterns by collecting and analysing DNA samples from hundreds of thousands of people from around the world. The theory is that our story begins in Africa between 150,00 and 170,000 years ago. About 60,000 …

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Review: The Orphanage

The Orphanage could have descended into the kind of horror movie I don’t like. I love horror, but I’m particular about it. I don’t like torture horror, slasher films, cheap scares, or cliches. I like to linger in a creepy atmosphere, anticipating, dreading. The Orphanage knows the difference between surprise and suspense. It knows how much scarier it …

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Review: Creating Circles & Ceremonies

Creating Circles & Ceremonies: Rituals for All Seasons and Reasons is a collection of ritual elements, spells, chants, and invocations from some of the most creative minds in the Pagan community. From Oberon Zell-Ravenheart and Morning Glory Zell-Ravenheart, this book is the result of many years of magick and ritual in the HOME Tradition, a …

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An interview with Dorothy Morrison

Dubbed by Publishers Weekly as “a witch to watch,” Dorothy Morrison is the award-winning author of numerous books on the Ancient Arts and their application to modern life. She’s won several awards for her writing, and has become a favourite of readers and critics. Some say it’s because of the easy conversational tone she applies …

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Review: The Witch’s Bible

At the time of writing, A.J. Drew was spearheading a campaign to have Gavin and Yvonne Frost ostracised from the Pagan community. Drew’s websites have closed, but The Wild Hunt blog still has the story in its archives. The hostility towards the Frosts stems from material in this book, The Witch’s Bible. It’s been out of …

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