12 dangerous Australian animals out to kill me

Here’s a handy dandy list of 12 dangerous Australian animals out to kill us all. Redback spider: Belonging to the widow family of spiders, no redback spider-related deaths have been reported since the introduction of the antivenom in 1984. I guess that’s encouraging, but its bite is said to cause severe pain. On the bright … Read more

Victoria coastline. Day trips from Melbourne.

Day trips from Melbourne

A great thing about Melbourne is that you can get away from it quickly. You can get in your car, drive in any direction, and, in about an hour, you could be in the mountains or at the beach. Here are some great day trips from Melbourne I look forward to doing. The Dandenong Ranges … Read more

AFL or Aussie rules rules

I’m not really a sports fan. Sure, I’ve caught a Super Bowl or two and I even went to a Florida Marlins baseball game once, but I’ve never gotten excited over sports. But then I met the AFL. I understand and admire the ethos of sportsmanship such as fair play, grace in victory or defeat, and … Read more

Taking pets to Australia

This is my cat and I’m going to miss her so much while I’m away. I’d love to take her with me, but taking pets to Australia is no easy task. Australia has strict import conditions to minimise the risk of exotic diseases being introduced. My cat meets most of the requirements for entry such … Read more

iPhone 4.

Using my beloved iPhone in Australia

This entry could be alternatively titled “I Hate AT&T.” They’re making it hard for me to use my iPhone in Australia. AT&T is the second largest provider of mobile and fixed telephony in the United States. It’s a monster of a company. AT&T is the seventh largest company in the U.S. and 14th in the … Read more

Teddy bears in bed with hot water bottle, thermometer, and tissues, staged to look sick. Travel insurance.

Travel insurance

Have you ever purchased travel insurance? My friend Traci is the blood parent. Her husband Mic is the puke parent. It’s unfortunate then that I threw up in Traci’s car. That’s what I do. It’s not like a party trick, but when I get sick, I feel a pain like there isn’t enough room for … Read more