How to cleanse, charge, and consecrate crystals and other magickal tools, part 1
Cleansing, charging, and consecrating items for magickal use is one of my regular practices. This article is about cleansing your crystals and other magickal tools.
Cleansing, charging, and consecrating items for magickal use is one of my regular practices. This article is about cleansing your crystals and other magickal tools.
Wherever people go, they carry their cultural beliefs and traditions. And their gods. And gods emerge and are forgotten and are rediscovered and reshaped. The first inhabitants of North America migrated from Siberia at least 15,000 years ago. Many gods arrived and emerged between then and the settlement of Europeans. Waves of immigrants from all … Read more
It’s almost Beltane. It’s almost Halloween. It’s always time for ancestors. As I wrote last month in Darkness and the spring equinox, I’ve given up on trying to create boundaries when it comes to holidays. Some local Pagans say it’s not Halloween, but it is, just like Christmas in summer, and what they mean is … Read more
I never met Raymond Buckland in person, but his Big Blue Book had a significant impact on me.
In Australia, Easter happens in autumn, Halloween in spring, and Christmas in summer. I’m embracing the darkness at the Spring Equinox.
Some people love winter. I am not one of those people. I quietly celebrated the winter solstice last month. I was overjoyed that we were on the other side of winter and the days would now grow longer. The celebration was astronomically supported, but optimistic in light of the actual conditions. July has been bitterly … Read more