Flying lessons

Here are some flying lessons based on my recent trip. It doesn’t matter how often I fly, the experience is always different and always a learning one. The protocols for checking in, going through security, and getting to the terminal and gate seem to change every day or, at least, every time I fly. Sometimes …

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Flinders Street Station lit up for White Night Melbourne.

Scenes from White Night Melbourne 2013

It’s White Night Melbourne! On Saturday night, Melbourne became the first Australian city to join in the all-night global celebration of art in public spaces. White Night Melbourne drew over 300,000 people to the city centre between 7pm and 7am and featured over 80 events in music, film, performance, light and sounds, art, and food. …

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Bikefest and the Sustainable Living Festival

There are two cool festivals going on right now: Bikefest and the Sustainable Living Festival. My main interest was Bikefest, which kicked off February 14 with a Valentine’s Day breakfast and speed dating and runs through March 9. There are different events including a market, workshops, a ride-in movie, and a number of rides. The …

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Five carrots from the garden in Melbourne.

Things I do more in Melbourne

Life in Melbourne is different from life in Miami in many small ways. Here are a few things that I find myself doing more living here than I ever did before while living in Miami. Walking Aside from a sporadic evening exercise regime, the most walking I did in Miami was in the mall. Miami is …

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Montsalvat artist David Brown

Recently I blogged about my visit to the Montsalvat studio of renowned Australian artist Matcham Skipper. While I was roaming the artist community with friends, we also happened upon Montsalvat artist David Brown, one of the residents and a master craftsman and maker of shakuhachi and violins. The shakuhachi is a Japanese end-blown flute. It is …

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