Medical stethoscope.

The road to residency part 1: the visa medical

With my medical assessment, I have officially begun actively moving towards obtaining residency. I’m applying onshore (that is, from within Australia, as opposed to offshore) for a de facto partner visa subclass 820, which is a temporary visa. If granted, after two years, if the relationship is still intact, I would be granted a permanent …

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Young woman in a field facing the sun as it sets.

Dancing with the sun

Last week, I reviewed Frances Billinghurst’s excellent book Dancing the Sacred Wheel: A Journey through the Southern Sabbats.  This book is turning out to be very valuable to me because most books on the Wheel of the Year are written from a Northern Hemisphere perspective with a Wheel based on the seasonal cycle of Great …

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Air New Zealand airplane.

Of hobbits and immigration officers

The trip from Miami to Melbourne was the longest journey ever. I travelled from Miami to Los Angeles to Auckland to Melbourne. The journey from Miami to Los Angeles on American Airlines Economy was as comfortable as could be. It’s depressing to say that because it’s actually not a comfortable flight, but my expectations of …

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To Miami and back

So that’s it. My time in Miami has come to a close. I fly back to Melbourne today. Here are some observations and discoveries. Memory is a tricky thing. There are Latin foods that I missed while I was in Melbourne. As it turns out, my mom’s cooking is just as good as I remembered …

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Palm trees.

The best of Miami and Melbourne

I wish I could take the best of Miami and bring it to Melbourne and the best of Melbourne and bring it to Miami. From Miami Caribbean and Latin food Melbourne could use a few more people from the Caribbean and Central and South America. Then they could establish restaurants, and I wouldn’t miss Jamaican …

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