Four roads of Yemaya, the orisha of the ocean
The orisha Yemaya has dominion over the world’s waters. Her attributes are expressed through “roads” representing different aspects of her character.
The orisha Yemaya has dominion over the world’s waters. Her attributes are expressed through “roads” representing different aspects of her character.
I’m back in Melbourne with new information, lessons, and ideas to process and integrate. Here are my reflections–the highs and lows of visiting Miami.
Olokun is the mysterious orisha at the bottom of the sea. This blog entry introduces this enigmatic orisha, and I share my experience with Olokun.
Oshun is the orisha of beauty, love, and fertility, often reduced to feminine stereotypes. Explore five roads of Oshun and discover her richness and complexity.
Yemaya, whose name roughly means Mother of Fish Children, is the Great Ocean Mother. She is the orisha associated with motherhood and women’s mysteries.
Ochún is the orisha of beauty, love, and sexuality, but she has other lessons and gifts to bestow: a strong sense of self-worth and self-efficacy.