Child holding Halloween pumpkin.

Dear Australia, it’s okay to celebrate Halloween

It’s my third Halloween in Australia, and it’s not a popular holiday here, but it’s growing in popularity. According to the Australian social research company McCrindle: “Those in Generation Y (aged 18-31) were far more likely to have celebrated Halloween in the past than Generation X (aged 32-46) and the Baby Boomers (aged 46-65). When …

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Halloween jack-o-lanterns.

Halloween & Day of the Dead prep party

It’s my third Halloween in Australia! It’s not a very popular holiday here, but I’m fortunate to have some people in my life who love Halloween and the Day of the Dead. Back in 2012, Theo and I hosted a pumpkin carving dinner party at our house and since then we’ve been gathering with my …

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Labour Day. Eight Hour Day Banner, Melbourne, 1856.

Happy Labour Day, Australia!

Today is Labour Day in Australia, the day in which Aussies commemorate the achievements of the Australian labour movement. Once upon a time, workers to Australia came from England under penal transportation. Under the Master and Servant Act, workers worked long hours, 10 to 12 hours a day, sometimes more, six days a week. As …

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Myer Christmas windows: Gingerbread Friends

Last week, Myer Melbourne unveiled its 58th Myer Christmas Animated Windows. I wasn’t there for the noon unveiling at the Bourke Street Mall, which featured the Salvation Army Australia Songsters, Aussie soprano and actress Mariona Prior, and of course Santa Claus and his elves, but I happened to be in the city later that afternoon. I walked …

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Thanksgiving dinner


In the United States, we celebrate Thanksgiving on the fourth Thursday of November. We trace the first Thanksgiving dinner to a poorly documented 1621 celebration in Plymouth, Massachusetts. Tradition, not necessarily history, tells us that the Pilgrims and Native Americans sat down to a rich harvest feast. It had been a harsh and challenging winter, …

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