My 23andMe DNA test ancestry and health results
23andMe offers DNA testing with ancestry results and health insights. Here are my results and some thoughts about how 23andMe compares with
23andMe offers DNA testing with ancestry results and health insights. Here are my results and some thoughts about how 23andMe compares with
Given Australia’s publicly funded universal health care, is private health insurance worth it? Last June, shortly after I lodged my application for a de facto partner visa subclass 820, I received a bridging visa. That made me eligible for Medicare, which I enrolled in immediately. For my American readers, Medicare is Australia’s publicly funded universal health care scheme. …
Recently I learned that I had an iron deficiency so severe that my doctor said she was astounded I was conscious. It was serendipitous that I met a woman who is studying iron levels in women as part of her PhD studies. She asked me if I would take part. It was easy. I would need …
Earlier this week, I blogged about the heatwave. Despite the fact that it gets really hot in Melbourne every year, hundreds of Aussies still suffer from heat exhaustion, heat stroke, and death due to exposure to extreme heat. Below are some tips collected from across the web as well as personal experience to help you …
After a chilly start to the summer season, a heatwave hit Australia last week. Narrabi in New South Wales saw temperatures rise to 47.8°C (118.04°F). Here in Melbourne, we saw four consecutive days over 40°C (104°F). According to Carl Braganza, Manager of Climate Monitoring at the Bureau of Meteorology, it was the longest heatwave in 100 …
With my medical assessment, I have officially begun actively moving towards obtaining residency. I’m applying onshore (that is, from within Australia, as opposed to offshore) for a de facto partner visa subclass 820, which is a temporary visa. If granted, after two years, if the relationship is still intact, I would be granted a permanent …